The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) is a statewide non-profit organization of amateurs and professionals with a common interest in California's native plants. Its principal aims are to preserve the native flora and to add to the knowledge of members and the public at large.


Postponed Due to Danger of Coastal Flood Warning

Saturday, December 14, 2024
12:00-3:00 p.m.
Greenwood Community Center, Elk

Guest Speaker: Terra Fuller,
Senior Environmental Scientist, California State Parks

Topic: Restoration Progress of Two Northern California Dune Systems by the Natural Resources Program of the Mendocino Sector Sonoma-Mendocino Coast District

Bring: a dish to share, utensils and dishes, and beverage of your choice.

Senior Environmental Scientist Terra Fuller of California State Parks will provide an overview of this Natural Resource Program, the presentation focusing on dune restoration efforts occurring in the Inglenook Fen-Ten Mile Dunes Natural Preserve in MacKerricher State Park and at Manchester State Park and Preserve. Fuller is a Senior Environmental Scientist with California State Parks. She leads the Natural Resource Program for the Mendocino Sector in the Sonoma- Mendocino Coast. Terra received a B.S. in Natural Resources, Watershed Management and a M.S. in Wildlife Management from Humboldt State and Cal Poly. Prior to State Parks, she worked for various agencies surveying high elevation lakes and mountain streams for amphibians, reptiles, and fish. Prior to State Parks, she worked for the Department of Fish and Wildlife where she reviewed timber harvest plans, streambed alteration permits, water rights and coastal development permits.


2022 Barbara Rice Intern Sara Bandali Read her Barbara Rice Intern Report posted February 2023

Alexis LaFever-Jackson continues to comment on her work as 2020 Barbara Rice Intern in the latest issue of Grasslands. (pp. 17-19) Check it out!

Latest DKY CNPS Comments on THP in JDSF

Latest Dudleya Protection Legislation News Governor Newsom signs AB233!

Enjoy Being Outdoors! Stay Safe!

The Dorothy King Young Chapter serves coastal Mendocino County, the northern coastal area of Sonoma County, and nearby areas. We host activities throughout the year for members and the general public. These include:

  • regular meetings featuring informative guest speakers
  • field trips
  • educational functions
  • plant sales
  • weed eradication

We also provide input and information to governmental and private agencies about projects of local and statewide interest which may have effects on native plants.
Geographic Area Map of the Dorothy King Young Chapter of the California Native Plant Society.

"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. A civilization which destroys what little remains of the wild, the spare, the original, is cutting itself off from its origins and betraying the principle of civilization itself."

Edward Abbey - Desert Solitaire
