Please Note that the scheduled Febraury 9,2025 BLM Event has been cancelled by BLM due to soggy site conditions.
The BLM Event has been rescheduled to Saturday February 15. If interested in coming, please check with the Friends website:
or call Kathleen Chasey at 707-320-8895.
California State Parks Salt Point Event Continues on schedule for Tuesday Februrary 11. Link to PDF of Poster Here

Please Note that the scheduled Febraury 9,2025 BLM Event has been cancelled by BLM due to soggy site conditions.
The BLM Event has been rescheduled to Saturday February 15. If interested in coming, please check with the Friends website:
or call Kathleen Chasey at 707-320-8895.
California State Parks Salt Point Event Continues on schedule for Tuesday Februrary 11. Link to PDF of Poster Here
Invitation to DKY Chapter's Annual Potluck
Postponed Due to Coastal Flood Warning

Guest Speaker: Terra Fuller,
Senior Environmental Scientist, California State Parks
Topic: Restoration Progress of Two Northern California Dune Systems by the Natural Resources Program of the Mendocino Sector Sonoma-Mendocino Coast District
December 14, 2024: Potluck Lunch Noon, - 3:00p.m.
Directions: Greenwood Community Center, Elk: 6129 S. Highway One, turn east on the paved(!) driveway just south of the Elk Store.
Bring a dish to share, utensils, and beverage.
Outings are open to everyone, not just members. All levels of expertise, from beginners to experienced botanizers, are welcome. Walks begin at 10 a.m., unless otherwise noted. You will be required to sign a Release of Liability Form to attend the outing. Check our Facebook Page and the DKY CNPS Chapter Activities/Events web page for announcements. Check Back to find out when and where The 2025 Field Trips are Happening.
Through legal action, the Dorothy King Young Chapter, in collaboration with the Friends of the Gualala River, successfully stopped the Dogwood THP, a plan that proposed to greatly impact a magnificent floodplain redwood forest and wetlands in coastal Mendocino County... excerpt from CNPS. Scroll down and choose the Dorothy King Young Chapter link for more information about the Dogwood THP and other areas of concern to the DKY Chapter
Invitation to DKY Chapter's Annual Potluck

Catch up on DKY news, visit with your plant-loving friends, and learn about current programs and future plans for the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens from director Molly Barker!
December 17, 2023: Potluck Lunch at noon, brief annual meeting at 12:50 pm, talk starts about 1 p.m.
Greenwood Community Center, Elk: 6129 S. Highway One, turn east on the paved(!) driveway just south of the Elk Store.
Bring a dish to share, utensils, and beverage.
Environmental Partnership Potluck
Sunday, March 26, 2023
12:00-3:00 p.m. (11:00 a.m. setup all Hands are Welcome)
Greenwood Community Center, Elk
Peter Baye: Environmentalist of the Year
Four organizations dedicated to the Mendocino environment “Dorothy King Young Chapter of CNPS, Mendocino Coast Audubon, Mendocino Land Trust, and Mendocino State Parks” began meeting in the late 1990's to share information and provide mutual support. By 2002 they had formalized to the extent of agreeing to meet annually, rotate hosting the meeting, and present an award each year to a person or organization whose efforts on behalf of the environment have made a difference in our community. This award was renamed the Matt Coleman Environmental Service Award in his honor after his tragic death. Ginny and Warren Wade, Joan Curry, Pat Howard, Binah Polay, and Sally Malby were the organizers.
DKY is this year's host. The host organization nominates an awarded (it can be more than one), and since many of our DKY members are also active in the other groups, we have been well represented. At last year's meeting, for the first time, a new organization was added, the Noyo Center, adding the marine environment to the group.
This year's Environmentalist of the Year is our own Peter Baye, Naturalist, Botanist, Conservationist extraordinaire!
Sunday, December 11, 2022
12:00-2:30 p.m.
Greenwood Community Center, Elk
Phil Van Soelen, will talk about
Supporting Native Biodiversity In Your Garden
We know Phil mostly as the person who, with Sherrie Althouse, started California Flora Nursery-the source of most of the plants that we get for our annual plant sales. A trip to CalFlora Nursery is a glorious experience! He is retired now and has been spending some time exploring the Mendocino and Sonoma coast with his wife, Mary Killian. Phil combines an artist's eye (he attended California Institute of the Arts in Southern California) with an ecologist's knowledge (he has an undergraduate degree in environmental studies), and a conservationist's ethic (he has focused on protecting northern California rare plants through CNPS).Recently he was one of the featured horticulturists in "Under Western Skies: Visionary Gardens from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast," by Jennifer Jewel, published in 2021 by Timber Press. We are so honored that he will share his expertise with us at our potluck.
The Dorothy King Young Chapter Annual Potluck Meeting at the Elk Community Center, hosted Teresa Sholars as the featured speaker. She gave a presentation on her research and author of Lupines in Jepson eFlora and Flora of North America. Video, separate audio files and PowerPoint of her presentation Adventures with Lupinus, from Populations to Publications are linked below. Due to technical difficulties at the site the first few minutes of her presentation is missing from the video and audio files. The PDF version of her PDF PowerPoint presentation is complete.
- Video Zoom video recording Adventures with Lupinus, from Populations to Publications -Teresa Sholars
- AudioAudio only file of Teresa's presentation
- Power PointComplete Power Point Presentation
“A look at Mendocino's rare Pygmy Forest ecosystem with local botanist Teresa Sholars” - Mendocino Voice, Lana Cohen