All the photos on this page are from the chapter field trip to Havens Neck, north of Anchor Bay, on April 26, 2009. Unless otherwise indicated, they were taken by Norm Jensen.
Erigeron glaucus, seaside daisy.
Castilleja wightii, Wight's paintbrush.
Erysimum menziesii ssp. concinnum, coast wallflower. This one is just getting started. All the buds at the top will open, creating a marvelous display of the flowers on one plant.
An interesting rock formation on Havens Neck. In the background is one of the residences on this private property. The homeowners have purchased, in common, all the land on the outer portion of the neck, to be preserved in perpetuity in a natural state.
Armeria maritima, sea thrift.
Polypodium scouleri, Scouler's polypody. This leathery-leafed fern was growing in a shaded grove of pines at the end of the neck, along with sword fern and a different polypody.
Part of the group, coming around the end of the neck. It was quite windy out there! Mario Abreu, in the white vest, had just had his hat blown off, and everyone wore warm jackets.
Plectritis congesta, sea blush.
Dudleya farinosa, coast dudleya.
Lotus formosissimus, coast lotus or harlequin lotus.
Muilla maritima, common muilla.