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Photos can be of native or non-native plants, in the wild or a garden setting, as long as there is a clear connection to California native plants and their enjoyment or preservation. Fungi will be considered because of their close connection to the success of many native plants. Use of any photo is at the discretion of the webmaster.
You retain full copyright to your images and will be given proper credit, but by submitting them, you give the Chapter permission to display them in the web site Photo Gallery and other pages on the site. Images will be cropped and resized as necessary to fit the format of the web site. Use of any photo is at the discretion of the webmaster.
Include any notes about the picture that you'd like to be shown with it, including your name, the date of the photo, location, species, common name, and anything else of interest.
Thanks so much for sharing your photos and making this an informative resource for DKY members and other site visitors.